Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Overweight Teens What Is An Inexpensive Diet For Overweight Teens?

What is an inexpensive diet for overweight teens? - overweight teens

find calorie / fitness calculator on the net, enter all the statistics and tell you how many calories you need each day to receive, 300-400cal remove from that number and how you lose.
eat 5-6 smaller meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5.8 servings of fruits and vegetables per day
8 glasses of water
are complex carbs for breakfast - they give you the energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
Cardiovascular exercise 4-6 times per week for 30-50min, light weight training
DONT eat food that made from white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, ice cream, candy, etc.) and nothing fried, oily.
Of course, you may occasionally be pampered with a treatment:)


Loon-A-T... said...

Make sure your doctor to make sure no health problem that diet and exercise program prevented. Then you start the program.
Run this by your doctor --
South Beach Diet, got exactly the book in a secondhand bookstore and follow him. A colleague of mine went from great to do normal within a reasonable time, and never hungry. loved it.

Weight Watchers, you can connect more to this program if they want to experience a promotion or subscription for a price promotion, and go to the first meeting to learn the program. then you're home free. They learn to eat well. Before, I was 160 pounds, and I am now 110 pounds.

He leads his annual report and see what he / she thinks. Both are nutritious and you can lose a good amount of weight.

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